Class Cost: $50
New Profile: $130
*** For New Profiles, Once Registered you will fill out a profile and return it to Be Optimal. ***
Bring your Enneagram awareness to this evening of great insights. Bring your Enneagram profile if you have received one from Rosemary, or even an online “quiz”
If a newcomer to the Enneagram You can take one on Rosemarys website: (free) and it will be a start.
Rosemary will look at areas in your specific personality profile that you may need awareness in. Once you go deeper, you become aware, and awareness is half the work. The other inner (pro active!) work will assist you in your emotional wellness, Balance and overall health!
Lots of Q & A encouraged.
Sure to be a great evening!
Rosemary Hurwitz, a married mom of four young adults, is passionate about an inner-directed life and she found the focus for it in the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a time-honored personality to higher consciousness paradigm used worldwide.
She received her Enneagram Certification in an MA. Pastoral Studies program at Loyola University, Chicago, in 2001. Rosemary has studied and taught the Enneagram ever since. She gives Enneagram-based individual coaching for self-awareness and emotional wellness. Rosemary has a BA in Broadcast Communication, and Certifications in Intuitive Counseling and Angel Card Reading and uses these wisdom traditions in her spiritual teaching and coaching. For twenty-five years, along with her husband, Dale, she gave Discovery Weekend retreats, patterned after Marriage Encounter, for Engaged couples.
An Accredited Professional member of the International Enneagram Association. Rosemary is on the faculty at Common Ground in Chicago and has been published in five inspirational compilation books, including No Mistakes, How You Can Change Adversity into Abundance. Her first single Authored best selling book is WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE, The Enneagram Effect. Rosemary coaches with and teaches the Enneagram internationally.