Cost: Love Offering
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The Oneness Meditation is a direct transfer of intelligent sacred energy which causes the heart to open, heals relationships, quiets the chatter of the mind, opens the doors to higher states of awareness and initiates a process of Awakening into Oneness. It’s not affiliated with any religious or spiritual belief. It offers the gift of awakening to your True Self. Each person’s process is unique, just as each of us is unique. No teachings or learnings are required or needed. All you need do is to be open to receiving what is Divine has for you, and only you know what that is. As you awaken to your True Self, you will then experience life in a new and beautiful way. Together, we are raising the level of consciousness globally.
Savita Laura Jachim, Certified Wellness Practitioner, Oneness Trainer & massage therapist, specializes in holistic stress management. utilizing Co-Active Coaching, guided meditation, yogic lifestyle principles, energy modalitiesand bodywork to assist you in creating a life with greater consciousness, ease and vitality . Her motto borrowed from Lily Tomlin, “if you want fast acting relief, learn to slow down” She facilitates a weekly Oneness Circle at Be Optimal. It’s open to the public to support consciousness, peace and the expansion of love in community and on the planet.
Savita Laura Jachim, LMT, CYT
Holistic Stress Management Coach, Intuitive Coaching with Emotion Code, Yoga Nidra Meditation Facilitator, Oneness Trainer